The Kenilworth Art Award: –
Winner James Stickland (Golden Thoughts)
Highly Commended Magali Feuga (Unconditional)
General 2D Section :–
1st Tony Adams (Sulphur Crest),
2nd Paulus Kooij (Cuprous Triceratope Octopedal Vehiculum)
3rd Diana Shepherd (Spillway),
HC Gaye Cook (I’ll Think About It),
HC Christine Groh (Venice),
HC Elysha Rei (Fish and Ships)
General 3D Section: –
1st Ken Munsie (Ornithology Study),
2nd Carol Forster (Forest Sketch),
3rd Barry Rosenberg (St Bernard Automata),
HC Tracey Roach (The Cubicle)
Jean Glanvill Memorial Encouragement Awards for emerging artists with less than 5 years’ experience: –
Teresa Durie ( Glass Concerto)
Paul Meakin (Feast or Famine?)
People’s Choice Award
A Glorious Morning 1 by Christine Hopkins
ArtsFest Poetry Awards
1st : Settlers’ Dreams by David Judge
2nd : The Drover’s Daughter by Deanna Dunham
3rd : A Woman’s Work by Joy Cronin
Highly Commended : The Banjo by David Judge
People’s Choice: Stalag 13C by Brian Browning
ArtsFest Raffle
Prize winners for the Raffle are as Follows.:-
Ist-Red Ticket B14 – Karen from Mothar Mountain
2nd-Red Ticket B62 – Rosie from Parrearra
3rd-Green Ticket C55 -Paul from Wynnum West
4th -Purple Ticket D87 – Ian from Marcoola

Winner James Stickland (Golden Thoughts)

1st Tony Adams (Sulphur Crest)

General 3D Section: –
1st Ken Munsie (Ornithology Study),

Teresa Durie ( Glass Concerto)

Jean Glanvill Memorial Encouragement Awards for emerging artists with less than 5 years’ experience: –
Paul Meakin (Feast or Famine?)

People’s Choice Award
A Glorious Morning 1 by Christine Hopkins
1st : Settlers’ Dreams by David Judge
2nd : The Drover’s Daughter by Deanna Dunham
3rd : A Woman’s Work by Joy Cronin
Highly Commended : The Banjo by David Judge
People’s Choice: Stalag 13C by Brian Browning
Children’s Poetry Award: Lior Halliday – I live in Australia
Children’s Poetry Award: We Are Aussies – Eva Tiger Lily Withford
Children’s Poetry Award: Bella Redshaw – Bella’s Poem